Wednesday, May 3

Top 5 Results Show (5/3/06)

Yay, group number! But boo, no choreography, and it's a new schmaltzy Idol song instead of a fun, cheesy medley. I'll still take it. The first to get solos are Chris, then Taylor, then Katharine. Then there's some group stuff, and then Elliott & Paris get solos, then more group stuff. So, maybe they're testing Chris & Taylor to see if they can tolerate this if one of them wins and has to sing the coronation song; both are putting up good fronts but look like they're gritting their teeth at times. The others smile and are more into it. I also found it interesting that the order (groupings) of solos coincide with the top/bottom groups of vote-getters, while surely they had been practicing this song before last night's votes. :-)

Car-mercial! More Holly-weird, they drive around looking at interestingly dressed people while singing some song about being in LA, then at they end they come out of the car having morphed into these interesting wardrobes. Taylor's is the best, and it's really beyond description, you'll just have to watch it here if you missed it. Kat actually doesn't look much different than normal, but the rest are a hoot.

In the audience tonight is Melissa Gilbert, along with her daughter and hubby Bruce Boxleitner, though they don't get mentioned. Also not mentioned but shown on camera several times is Justin Guarini (sitting right behind Melissa). And his friend who doesn't break the camera lens either, just sayin'.

Ok, elimination time, and we're looking again just for the bottom 2. Taylor and Chris are safe. Paris is in the bottom 2 (so far, no surprises). Paris sings Kiss again. Back to the couches... where Elliott & Kat remain. And... Kat is safe, putting E in the bottom 2 with Paris. Kat is surprised and saddened, because we all know her 1st song was the worst of the night, but such things motivate voters, so I'm not surprised at all. Anyway, Elliott sings On Broadway. Then we find out... that he is safe, and Paris will be leaving us, as predicted! (That's so weird though - #2 in Top 5 is *not* where you want to be!!) She gets the journey montage, which shows her meeting & hugging all of the famous guest coaches, and being twirled around on Elliott's back during a photo shoot (awww). Then she gets to sing a bit of Be Without You before the credits come & she's cut off. Really she wasn't upset, I think she expected it and was just grateful for the opportunity and had a blast the whole time she was there. I'm sure she'll do fine in the business, it will be interesting to see what comes for her down the road.

Ryan didn't officially announce next week's theme, but he did say that the remaining contestants would soon leave for Graceland, where they would meet the guest coach, but I don't remember who they said. Anyway, I'm assuming Elvis songs for at least one of their choices. Should be another great week!!


J.D. said...

Oh my GOSH they're going to be at Graceland in the very city where I live! I wish I knew when!

PezKat said...

I know!! Don't suppose you have time just to go hang out & see if they show up, lol? I'd guess they're there today &/or tomorrow from what Ryan said last night.