Wednesday, April 29

AI8 - Top 5 (4/28/09)

Tonight's theme is "Rat Pack," aka Standards or Big Band. And the mentor is... Jamie Foxx?! Cool... I think!

Kris "The Way You Look Tonight" - Still love him, just wish we got to know him better (so he could sneak past Danny into the finals). Good performance, nothing too surprising or 'wow'.

"Someone to Watch Over Me" - Wish she were prettier (so she could sneak past Danny into the finals), but such an awesome voice and stage presence/maturity!

"My Funny Valentine" - I give him props for taking the mentor's advice, but the vocal still didn't do anything for me. Paula & Simon loved it; Randy & Kara, notsomuch.

Danny "Come Rain or Come Shine" - Decent, but still overrated.

Adam "Feeling Good" - awesome!! From the stairway entrance to the a killer next-to-last note. Boy. can. SANG! ;) Best line of the night was Simon saying that "Randy criticizing you for being dramatic is like someone complaining that a cow moos."

My predicted B3: Matt, Danny, & Allison - with Matt leaving.

1 comment:

beffuh said...

Kris--pretty good performance, still really like him. Wasn't blown away.

Allison--Love her! NOt her best best performance, but pretty darn good, and she needs to make it to the finals! I love her consistency, the way she makes the songs her own, and her amazing voice. She's not going home tonight.

Matt--eh. it's his time.

Danny--Great. Definitely better than the past few weeks. I feel like he's been plateauing the past few weeks and I want him to sing a song without getting into the shouting. he almost managed to this week, but had to sneak it in towards the end. That being said, I do feel like he had a swagger last night (and not the cocky swagger which he does sometimes), like the confidence to be able to win this thing without the smarminess.

Adam--good, but over the top (as usual). I do get tired of his screaming and craziness (yes, that's probably the parts that you like the best!). Obviously we have different feelings on the contestants. :)

Bottom 3: Kris, Matt, Allison, with Matt (it's about time) going home.