Tuesday, February 10

AI8 - Hollywood, Round 3 (2/10/09)

There are 72 contestants who will be performing solos in hopes of making the Top 50. This year the judges are breaking them up into 4 rooms, and we see them deliberating throughout the show, with 'flashbacks' to earlier performances. Otherwise there wouldn't be any drama, right? Well, at least we get to see a lot of singing....

#1 is Adam Lambert. There is a clip from earlier in the week of Kara saying he's still too "musical theater." He says he wants to take songs that we've heard over & over and do them in a new way; and that he "can" do that. Segue to his solo of Cher's "Believe" slowed down a bit - very nice!

Matt Giraud is shown next and plays keyboard for "Georgia on My Mind." Gets standing ovation from all judges except Simon.

Jamar sings "Hey There, Delilah."

Danny- "I Hope You Dance" - probably my least favorite of his performances so far (the mannerisms/gestures are a bit annoying) but still decent vocal. Paula *loved*.

Anoop sings "My Prerogative."

Jorge - "I Just Can't Stop."

Scott McIntyre - plays keyboard (as promo'd) and sings Daughtry's "Home." Good.

Kendall Beard - "Before He Cheats."

Stevie Wright - "Bubbly"

Lil - "If I Ain't Got You"

Kristin - "Because of You" (lots of past Idols' songs!) - still love her!!

Mishanoma Henson (new) - made it to Hollywood last year as well. Sings Michael Buble's "My Everything."

Tatiana sings Mariah, surprise surprise.

Alexis Grace - "Before He Cheats"

Kenny H - "I'm Yours" (a repeat for him I think)

Jasmine - "Tattoo" - my least favorite of hers (not bad, just nothing remarkable)

Nathaniel - plays acoustic guitar and sings "Disturbia"! Well at least he's not predictable...

Joanna - not sure what she sang but she forgot her words.

Casey Carlson - "Tattoo" & also forgot words.

Stephen Fowler - "Time of My Life"; played keyboard; messed up (lyrics) twice & walked off.

Nick decides to sing as Norman (or Normund?) and does "Georgia on My Mind," mostly singing it straight (well, you know what I mean!). ;-) Pretty good.

Ann Marie - "I Hope You Dance"- nice but I don't see her making the finals.

Junot Joyner (finally!) - we've seen him in past years but this is the 1st they've shown him this season. Sings "Hey there, Delilah."

Kaylan (a girl) - "If I Ain't Got You"

Leneshe - "Love Song" (Sara Bareilles-sp?) - good

Kai - Stevie Wonder song? Played guitar; voice is very tired/strained.

Michael Sarver - not sure of his song either.

Room 2 is the first to hear their fate; there are many people who excelled early on but have had "sporadic" performances. Nevertheless they advance! Includes Casey, Alexis, Arianna, Jasmine, and Kai. (I'll fill these in more if possible after I review the tape.)

Room 3 has the group that is eliminated (so about 22 people): India (shown singing a rough "Disturbia"), Michael Castro (wonder why we didn't hear him at all in Hollywood??), Kaylan, Leneshe, and I think I saw Ryan Johnson.

Room 1 advances: Anoop, both Danny and Jamar, Kristin, Adam, Matt G., Lil, Scott, Jorge, Jackie.

Room 4 also advances: Nick (!), Cody (shown but we still don't get to hear him sing - maybe tomorrow!!), Tatiana (who freaks out during the fake-out, assuming it's a 'No'), Junot, Kris, Matt B, Jackie (a guy), Ann Marie, T.K., and Felicia.

Tomorrow, the Chair episode - filmed in "the judges' mansion" - Wha?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep it coming! I like reading your synopsis of the show. I need info from last wednesday before watching tonight! I've got my faves, too, and hope they all go a long way!