Wednesday, February 15

More on Group Night

Really, really liked William in the 'young crooner' group. Also the crowd like the whole group a lot. I think Josh's voice is too similar to David's, and while I much prefer Josh, the judges obviously prefer David. Also Josh might have a bit of an attitude - after Paula said she'd see them the next day, he said, "You've got that right!"

I think Ricky and Gedeon (not featured yet though we've seen him here & there) were also in Derrell's group.

Heh, I saw Brooke looking at lyrics she'd written on her hand. Hey, that's better than messing up. I think that was Mecca in the "Band of Gold" group that had Sarah.

Loved the shot of Chris w/his jaw on the floor when Derrell was quitting!

Incorrect lyric montage - Bucky: "Don't have myself; I love you 'bout a thousand times." Katharine: "Out in my life" (-then she looked at the lyrics on her arm. oops!) Unknown white female: "Beat my bare behind... love you and all my time." Unknown black male: "When I tongue a blame; turnin' into flames."

Lastly they showed Gedeon skipping a line, but at least we finally go to see him identified. They've shown him quite a bit, now that I know who he is. *Great* voice! Yay!!

A little more detail on the group of girls with Tyra: Celeste Scalone (24), Shuntai Kinnik Sky (28, GA - *very* good!!), and Nicole Turk (22, GA).

On Day 4, from the teeny weeny really fast clips they showed of the solos: The 2nd guy is Gedeon, singing "Let's Stay Together." (Which I typed first as "Let's Satay"... yum!) Lisa did "House is Not a Home". No clue what Ace or Kellie sang; Taylor did "Ain't No Sunshine." I would love, *love* to hear the full versions of all of these!! They also showed Gina crying because she forgot her lyrics.

With a little help from my friends, more detail from the Rooms:

Room 1 (out): Gina, Tyra, Nicole, James somebody (not Cory), Josh, Ashley Jackson (fit model), and Erica Walters (?).

Still in at this point: (Room 2-) Becky, Ayla, Sway, Chris, Mandisa, Patrick, Bobby Bennett, Lisa, Brooke, Gedeon, Brianna, Becky, and Brenna; (Rm 3-) Derrell, Taylor, Paris, Elliott, Katharine, April, David, Megan Bobo, Stephanie Scott, Bobby Bullard, Heather Cox; (Rm 4-) Terrell, Kellie, William, Kevin, Bucky, Ace, Nick Whitten, Kinnik, and that blond guy w/glasses they keep teasing us with but never actually showing. ;-)

At some point they showed a way-too-short clip of Patrick, Taylor, and Chase practicing in their group, and the harmony was heavenly. Other vocal highlights in summary: Elliott, William, and Kinnik. Plus the solos I mentioned above.

One more night and we have our semi-finalists!!

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